Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Lady Gaga and Feminism

At this time I don't think I would consider Lady Gaga to be the leader of feminism.  Yes more recently she has been involved more in the music industry and has been a large influence in that aspect.  But overall I don't feel the song lyrics she uses, advocates social, political and all other rights of women equal to those of men.  Her wardrobe is definitely unique in that sense and very vocal at times.  It seems that she may try to send a message with them, such as her outfit made out of meat.  However, I'm not sure that she's starting any trends here.  Along with her outrageous wardrobes are her music videos.  Some of which I consider to include "very strange" scenes.  In most aspects I would not consider her to be the best role model for younger females, however, she has obviously worked hard enough to get where she is today and I don't think her ambition should be looked down upon.  I personally am not the hugest fan of Lady Gaga but definitely have listened to her music on more than one occasion.  If this is how she chooses to express herself as a female in this century then so be it, she's obviously doing something right.

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